Enginecode: U0371188
Owner: Jim Tyler
City/Country: Owens Cross Roads, AL 35763 USA
Buil: 1999
Registerynumber: 424
Entrydate: 04.05.2009


U0371188 Not sure why this serial number is so different than the others I have seen listed in here?

Serial Number 3VWS1A1B7XM504240

I have problems with keeping the battery charged. I do not drive it on a regular basis and if it sets for very long, the battery goes dead. The steering seems very stiff. It is a very noisey car. It needs lots of insulation. It is like riding inside a snare drum. It has air conditioning. All of the AC componets are in the engine compartment. I have seen some with the condenser behind the rear seat. I like mine a lot better. I had a problem with the air conditioner compressor rubbing against two of the spark plug wires. I lost two cylinders and as a result, the catalytic converter loaded up with gasoline and caught fire. It scorched the rear pan that is below the engine lid and between the rear fenders. The good news is that the car runs better now. I cleaned out the converter and it is hollow now. It increased the hp considerably and now you can run the AC without pulling the engine way down. The idle is not quite as smooth because the oxygen sensor is a little confused. I needed an electronic part but cannot recall what it was. I called the VW dealer in Tiajuana, MEX. He was helpful and send he could send me the part. But, I could go to my local Audi dealer and buy part number so and so.